East Helena is currently the recipient of a RAISE grant, a federal grant which is meant to create necessary infrastructure in rural and urban areas. The RAISE (Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity) grant program through the US Department of Transportation is giving East H...
'55 STEPS' feature film screening at EBMC, starring Hillary Swank and Helena Bonham Carter.Attorney Colette Hughes provided an in depth Q+A following the film.Hillary Swank's film character is based on Attorney Hughe's legal case.Special thanks to Malcolm Campbell and Colette Hughes....
Trumpprobably cannot conceive that he will leave next January not to Elba, but directly toSaint Helena. (This is not a comparison, otherwise it would be a comedy, a joke. Trump has a primitive mind, perhaps street smart and cunning, but he has no sense of history. It would be hilarious...
Helena, never to return. I differ, I suppose, with the accepted version of the Yom Kippur War in Israel in another way. I regard it as the greatest and final victory of Mapai Israel. The state and the institutions established by Mapai were in an advanced state of decay by 1973. ...
Soon Helena corresponded directly with the president, sending FDR her “fiery messages” peppered with advice about domestic and international politics. In February 1935, she finally felt comfortable enough to reveal to the chief executive the details of the Great Plan, hinting that the United States...
Helena in the Atlantic Ocean, west of Angola. Although some of those enslaved by the company came from Indonesia and West Africa, the majority came from East Africa—from Mozambique or especially from Madagascar—and were primarily transported to the company’s holdings in India and Indonesia. ...
Helena BlavatskyHelena Blavatsky, detail of an oil painting by Hermann Schmiechen, 1884; in a private collection.(more) 2 of 2 Jiddu Krishnamurti and Annie Besant Jiddu Krishnamurti and Annie Besant, 1933.(more) Helena Blavatsky (1831–91), the Russian-born cofounder of the Theosophical Socie...