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June 12, 2023theatresoutheastFringe / Off West End,London West End,News,Regional Venues,What's On ELF | The Brighton Centre Fri 5 Jan 2024 – Sat 6 Jan 2024 Elf – Brighton Centre ELF, the hit Hollywood blockbuster movie has been supersized into a live arena spectacular for this Christmas...
Perhaps Farage sends all his candidates to a special smirk school in Clacton or East Grinstead. The gentleman wants us to believe that the Tory Party has “moved to the left” and are no longer conservative. He ends by saying that “if you want to save Britain, vote for what you believ...
Sunday 16 October, 7.45pm | Congress Theatre Having hit 60 (but still a year younger than Madonna), Jenny Eclair AKA ‘The Face of Vagisan’ confronts a new decade of decrepitude. Now that it takes 20 minutes of scrolling to find her DOB when she’s filling in forms online, should she...