Sweet Peas Village Early Childhood School is a private school located in East Greenwich, RI. The student population of Sweet Peas Village Early Childhood School is 16. The school’s student-teacher ratio is 4:1. Tuition & Financial Aid N/A Yearly Tuition* Fees* N/A Financial Aid Available...
cafes, bars and restaurants – including a historic coaching inn. For lovers of the great outdoors, the town has a wealth of waymarked paths and a national long distance trail runs through the town on the Greenwich Meridian.
Explore:Greenwich Village & NoHo Guide To Do:Washington Square Park,NYU Campus,Astor Place, Shopping, Restaurants West Village TheWest Villageis filled with tree-lined streets, beautiful old brownstones and hundreds of shops, restaurants and cafés. It is truly a quintessential NYC neighborhood, inh...
An annual festival on September celebrating arts and activism across Greenwich Village and the East Village, New York. Two weeks of music, literature, tours, talks, architecture, comedy, food and more.