This paper investigates the nature and causes of vulnerability to bushfires in the Wulgulmerang district of East Gippsland, Victoria, in south-eastern Australia. In 2003 bushfires devastated the small population of this isolated farming district, destroying homes, agricultural assets and public infrast...
Vulnerability to bushfires in rural Australia: a case study from East Gippsland, Victoria. Journal of Rural Studies 28, 161-173.Whittaker, J., Handmer, J., Mercer, D., 2012. Vulnerability to bushfires in rural Australia: a case study from East Gippsland, Victoria. J. Rural Stud. 28, ...
When I was growing up here August was miserable. The westerlies used to howl in off the Downs like a Mongol horde for days and stay. And stay and stay. “When blood is nipped and ways be foul …”, as Shakespeare so descriptively writes of winter inLove’s Labour’s Lost. But the ...