by Satsuki Shizuka 五月靜 in Personal, TorGuqin Notices Tags: Comparative Literature, East Asian Studies, Northrop Frye, University of Toronto, UofT ZH: Sing Tao Daily 1, Sing Tao Daily 2, Sing Tao Daily 3, Ming Pao Daily EN: PetitionOnline:
“中國基本古籍庫”,youcanlogintothedatabaseitself.Please note:wehaveonlyoneuseraccountforthisdatabase.Therefore,inordertoallowotherUofTlibraryusersto accessit,pleasebesokindastologoutofthedatabasewhenyouhave nishedyoursession. Insidethisissue: IntroducingTwo ChineseDatabases Clari ca onabout Accessto...
Hedo is a remote site located in the downwind ocean area of the East Asian continent (Figure 1j). When northwesterly winds prevailed in winter and spring, aerosols can be transported to Hedo, resulting in an elevation of nitrate concentration (1.2–2.6 µg¨m´3), whereas in summer ...