My Number One, a groundbreaking Bongo Flava track produced by Clever Touch and released in early 2014, revolutionized the genre's landscape. The music video, skillfully directed by Kenya's Ogopa Videos, qualified the song to earn airplay onto major African music channels like Channel O, MTV Ba...
All in all East African artists really challenged themselves this year and did not take “no” for an answer. We can’t wait to see them take more of this energy into the new year and create more amazing music and pop culture moments. Here are our picks for theBest East African Songs ...
Along with Hanumankind's "Big Dawgs," Shreyas Savgekar and Kratex's "Taambdi Chaamdi" (translating to "Brown Skin") has also helped Indian hip-hop gain attention this year. The self-love anthem went viral in July not just for its good-natured comedic treatment, but also for clev...
However, few gave their active Although there is an indigenous Kenyan and the separation that brings about such Kenya’s population is made up almost support to the black nationalist movements music scene, the overriding African musical circumstances in the first place is without entirely of ...
Roll Of Honour Roll Of Honour Treasures Indeed !!! (Godzilla's) Eatin' Dust (I'm) Stranded (I Want To Join A) Biker Gang (Let's Have A) Party (New Wave) Polly (Theme From) Midnight Express (We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thing (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Part...