Game birds of the East Africa and Uganda ProtectoratesVolume: IF.J. JacksonEast African Geographical Review
Africa continues to have a major war. Nigerians protest working to extract Oil for America, as the Billion Dollar Business still fails to provide the lower-class Nigerians with enough money to feed their families. Meanwhile, the even poorer states of Niger, Benin, Ghana, and Togo agree to ...
How the Natives of the British East Africa and Uganda Protectorates are Medically Provided for During the Early Stages of the Opening Up of these Countriesdoi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2011.06.437Ca2+-activated K+ channelscaffeineprocainebradykininThe recommended dose of intravenous tissue plasminogen ...
The Indian government was responsible for supplying troops to the British protectorates in eastern Africa, should any serious emergency arise. Indian and Sudanese troops were, therefore, to be supported by carriers from the coast and Nyasaland. But the transport requirements for an invasion were ...