参考文献 [1] Singal AK, Bataller R, Ahn J, et al. ACG Clinical Guideline: Alcoholic Liver Disease. Am J Gastroenterol. 2018;113(2):175-194. [2] 李苗苗,祁兴顺,孙明瑜. 《2018年美国胃肠病学院酒精性肝病诊治临床指南》推荐意见.临床肝胆病杂志. 2018;34(3):498-499. [3] 中华医学会肝病学...
Clinical practical guidelines EASL Clinical Practical Guidelines: Management of Alcoholic Liver Disease European Association for the Study of the Liver?,? Introduction Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is the most prevalent cause of advanced liver disease in Europe. However, there has been limited research...
European Association For The Study of The Liver.EASL Clinical Practical Guidelines:Management of Alcoholic Liver Disease.Journal of Hepatology. 2012European Association for the Study of Liver.EASL Clinical Practical Guidelines:management of alcoholic liver disease[J].J He-patol,2012,57(2):399-420....
TheClinicalPracticeGuidelinesproposerecommendations forthediagnosis,treatmentandfollow-upofnon-alcoholic fattyliverdisease(NAFLD)patientsandaretheproductofa jointeffortbytheEuropeanAssociationfortheStudyofthe Liver(EASL),EuropeanAssociationfortheStudyof Diabetes(EASD)andEuropeanAssociationfortheStudyof Obesity(EASO)....
)*+, 2012-EASL./0123456$78(9+:; 曾民德 (上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院,上海200001) 关键词:肝疾病,酒精性;指南 中图分类号:R575.5 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-5256(2012)08-0565-04 IntroductiontotheEASLClinicalPracticalGuidelines:Managementofalcoholicliverdisease ZENGMin-de.(RenjiHospital,ShanghaiJia...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is very common in people with type 2 diabetes and although estimates for the prevalence NAFLD vary according to age, obesity and ethnicity, some studies have indicated that up to 75% of patients with type 2 diabetes may be affected. During the last ...
In recent years, the rising prevalence of obesity has led to an increase in the number of cirrhosis cases related to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Malnutrition, obesity and sarcopenic obesity may worsen the prognosis of patients with liver cirrhosis and lower their survival. Nutritional monitoring ...
liver diseaseworldwide, and has dramatically increased in concert withthe epidemics of both adult and childhood obesity and type2 diabetes mellitus [1, 2]. NAFLD includes two distinctconditions with different histological features and prognoses:non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) and non-alcoholic...
EASL-EASD-EASOClinicalPracticeGuidelinesfortheManagementofNon-AlcoholicFattyLiverDisease / NAFLD纤维化进展 NAFLD是缓慢进行性疾病,20%的肝纤维化会迅速恶化 时间年 肝纤维化进展一阶段用时 在患有动脉高血压的情况下进展速率加倍,针对纤维化伴高血压的NASH患者,应进行更密切的监测 SinghS,...