在经济领域,easing 可以理解为放松、下降、松动、放宽,如信贷放宽easing of credit.在这,After a fair amount of easing, 经过一段缓缓的下降, easing cycle 可以理解为‘缓和周期’。
惠誉:美联储本轮宽松周期将较此前温和且缓慢 Fitch Ratings-London-25 September 2024: 本文章英文原文最初于2024年9月10日发布于:Fitch Ratings: Federal Reserve Easing Cycle Will Be Mild and Slow by Historical Standards 惠誉评级在其最新发布的《全球经济展望》报告中表示,与美国联邦...
We the hypothesized instrument software development platform which applies in here is one popular presente in figures and diagrams programming method, has used NI Corporation's LabVIEW software, the merit is the software development cycle is short, the programming is easy, therefore ordinary enginee[...
As global manufacturing slowed down due to geopolitical changes, major central banks across the world are easing their monetary policy in hopes of generating a mini-cycle trough to rebound growth in 2020. 随着全球制造业因地缘政治变化而放缓,各主要国家的央行正在放松其货币政策,以期带来一个微型周期低谷...