The Easiest & Best Way to Get Rid of Fruit Flies When I say this is easy, I mean it. I can make this in less than 30 seconds. Pour 1-2 Tablespoons ofApple Cider Vinegarinto a small glass. Put 1-2 pumps ofdish soapinto the apple cider vinegar. Place the glass as close to the...
I imagine I’m not the only curly haired-cutie to feel this way, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. ✨Curly girl power!✨ Introducing the ultimate low-stress, step-by-step Curly Girl Method guide for a mix of curly hair types! Below you will find e-v-e-r-y-...
I’m on my way home soon! Wednesday! Back to making sense. Back to making crunchy things (as time and new-baby schedules never allowed for the making of many things here). C34M2F2WF7P7 As I prepare to leave Kansas City, though, I want to share one tip I gleaned from my sister ...