Some credit cards do have higher approval rates, though — even if you’ve made somemajor credit mistakesin the past or are just getting started on your credit journey. Secured cards, student cards and store cards, in particular, tend to have more forgiving approval criteria. ...
Store credit cards are a great option, there is something known as theshopping cart trick. This lets you apply for certain store credit cards (mostlycards issued by Comenity) without a hard pull being done on your credit report, because they aren’t checking your report they don’t know ho...
If stuck for an idea, create an online thrift store selling freebies picked up from the Facebook marketplace. Create an online store with Shopify, and use a template to get started quickly. Setup to accept payment via credit card, e.g., Stripe, or using your PayPal account. Add your p...
The easiest unsecured credit card to get is the Petal® 2 "Cash Back, No Fees" Visa® Credit Card. You can connect your bank account during the application process, and Petal can use your banking transactions to evaluate your application. This makes it possible to get approved for a Pet...