27. Guitar Slim: "Things That I Used to Do" Guitar Slim's "Things That I Used to Do" has a single chord progression that allows you to play the entire song with just three chords (E, A and B7). The New Orleans bluesman nabbed a bestselling single when it was released in 1953, ...
The ukulele is an ideal instrument for beginners, as it's one of the easiest instruments to learn. The ukulele is a small, stringed instrument with a similar structure to a guitar, but with a more unique sound with a notably higher pitch. The ukulele is also one of the more affordable...
Learn to play like your guitar heroes fast. Unleash your inner rockstar, learn to jam with friends, write songs and start a band. Easiest guitar books ever!
For Beginners Guitar Tricks’ Core Learning System was devised with beginners in mind. The first two courses within it are on the fundamentals of playing the instrument. There are specific lessons on holding the guitar, how to use each hand, producing your first notes, and playing your first ...
Guitar Effects - We have a whole new series of these. Check 'em out. We have just released our latest batch of NEW DESIGN Kits, check them out in the "NEW KITS" section. These include: Flickering Flame Kit Hand-held Torch Kit
12.5 Simple Shoot-Em-Up Game12.6 Guitar Chord Diagram Maker12.7 Image Viewer With Swipe Gestures12.8 Thumbnail Image Maker13. Building GUI Interfaces Using Graphics13.1 Basics - No HTML Required13.2 A Typical GUI Form With a Few More Bells and Whistles14. Transferrting Data Via Network Sockets...