Don’t put any charges on your credit card unless you can pay them in full. Credit card issuers charge a very high APY and it’s very easy to fall into a cycle of debt that you can’t get under from. If you need a personal loan, speak to your local credit union instead. For T...
In short, to setup your billing profile, you have to go to the BILLINGS tab in your respective sneaker bot and then press +ADD NEW BILLINGS. You’ll have to fill out all your billing information like your billing address, shipping address, and credit card information in the new window. ...
Why do you need to track social shares in the first place? Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s briefly break down why social shares matter. It’s no secret that interactions related to engagement (e.g., shares, “likes” and comments) are among the most important metrics to tr...
4. It feels glorious to pay for things in “cash” without borrowing on a credit card. (I technically put it on a credit card for miles but pay it off every month.) It’s easier to save for vacations, clothes, big items, luxuries a little bit at a time when you’re feeling flush...