最容易移民的国家是哪个 转自知乎:http://www.zhihu.com/question/19663468,我们选几个有代表性的国家总结一下。 日本 总结:赞同最多的回答指出日本是最容易移民的国家。办劳务过去,工作5年可以直接入籍,拿绿卡(永驻)却要10年。但是一旦入籍就失去了中国国籍,很多中国人还是望而却步的。 1)在日本连续居住满5年...
Just in case you’re not in the know, here’s our list of the easiest countries to get a work visa from. These may, therefore, be the easiest countries to immigrate to! Quick Navigation Cambodia China Singapore New Zealand Australia Germany Working Online from any Country What Is the Bes...
Canada grants citizenship to permanent residents who have lived in the country for three out of the four years prior to citizenship application.Reference: In order to be eligible for a Canadian citizenship several things must be done. Firstly, you must apply to immigrate to Canada and obtain ...
加拿大依然是全球最容易移民国家 北美的美国、加拿大,大洋洲的澳大利亚、新西兰是全世界正牌的4个移民大国。除此之外,英国算是非移民国家里移民政策比较宽松的。这五个说英语的国家瓜分了世界上绝大多数的移民人口,也是中国人最重要的移民目的地。然而,可以毫不迟疑地说:加拿大现在依然是世界上最容易移民的国家。就在...
Canada grants citizenship to permanent residents who have lived in the country for three out of the four years prior to citizenship application.Reference: In order to be eligible for a Canadian citizenship several things must be done. Firstly, you must apply to immigrate to Canada and obtain ...