Discover the easiest countries to get citizenship in 2024. From investment options to simplified naturalization processes, find out where you can become a citiz
After five years of temporary residency in Portugal, you will be eligible for permanent residency and citizenship. Portugal is by far one of the easiest countries to get citizenship in the EU (without ancestry). 2. BelgiumThe Easiest Option For EU Citizenship for Business People. Just like Port...
Most countries around the world allow for persons who have lived in-country for a certain period of time to apply for naturalization. It’s only human, really, to allow those living among us to also have the benefits of citizenship. Oftentimes, the naturalization process involves tests and ...
This can take a while, but as long as you have a job in China and your employer is sponsoring you, you’re almost guaranteed to be accepted, making China one of the easiest countries to get a work visa in. Bear in mind that gaining Chinese citizenship is incredibly hard; just in ca...
Canada is one of the most welcoming countries in the world – and all you need is a plan to get you there. Whether it’s for work purposes or to pursue higher studies – there are many different ways you can migrate to Canada from Nigeria. Now, you can take your chances and settle ...
Here are five countries that fit the bill... Mexico The benefits ofmoving to Mexicohave never been more apparent. Today’sMexicois largely First-World. It’s got high-speed telecommunications, first-run films (in English, with Spanish subtitles) and television shows. You’ll find shopping mal...
Not only does panama have the easiest immigration visas, but also on the list of US friendly countries. You will have to prove that you have a monthly income of around $1000 to get a long-term retiree visa. Nonetheless, depositing $5000 in a Panamanian bank account should suffice if you...
Most countries around the world allow for persons who have lived in-country for a certain period of time to apply for naturalization. It’s only human, really, to allow those living among us to also have the benefits of citizenship. Oftentimes, the naturalization process involves tests and ...