Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam China World Bank Ease of Doing Business in Asia ranking: 12th Global ranking: 31st China to roll out e-fapiao nationwide On 24 November 2024, the State Taxation Administration (STA) announced the nationwide rollout of e-fapiao, effective 1 December 2024. Thi...
"Ease of doing business is the key," Cecilio Pedro, president of the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, said during the hybrid forum it organized on Monday. Pedro said that starting a business in the Philippines can be a long and tedious process as investors nee...
"Ease of doing business is the key," Cecilio Pedro, president of the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, said during the hybrid forum it organized on Monday. Pedro said that starting a business in the Philippines can be a long and tedious process as investors nee...
Ease of Doing Business data has been indexed on a scale of 0-100 to show each countries relative position against others in the database. A value of 100 indicates a very high 'Ease of Doing Business'. Rwanda has a Ease of Doing Business Index of 81.3 ranking it 38th of 150 in the g...
Ease of Doing Business data has been indexed on a scale of 0-100 to show each countries relative position against others in the database. A value of 100 indicates a very high 'Ease of Doing Business'. Morocco has a Ease of Doing Business Index of 75.7 ranking it 50th of 150 in the ...
After five years of showing no improvement in the World Bank and International Finance Corporations Ease in Doing Business Survey, the Philippines finally leapfrogged 30 notches to land at 108th place this year out of some 183 economies evaluated. Its a far cry from our pitiful position of 144...
Indonesia, however, is still lagging behind a number of other ASEAN countries. In the past two years Vietnam gained 23 points higher , and Thailand was 20 point better . Meanwhile, Malaysia and the Philippines dropped 14 points in ranking but still better than Indonesia.(*) ...
The new regulations, titled theRegulations to Promote and Standardize Cross-Border Data Flows, came into force on March 22, 2024. In September 2023, the CAC released adraft versionof the regulations for public comment. The final version has been altered only slightly from the draft, retaining ...
President Rodrigo Duterte signed into law Republic Act No. 11032, or The Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018, amending the ARTA by strengthening it and giving it teeth.
In itsEuropean Business in China Position Paper 2023/2024released last month, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EU Chamber) notes the lack of a clear definition for important data, and “urges for the scope of important data to be clearly and narrowly defined, with regulators...