Ease of Doing Business in India - Indian PM Narendra Modi with his New Team of Ministers aims for NEW INDIA by 2022.Darshan Vyas
Public–Private Partnership to Meet the Skills Challenges in India India has one of the youngest populations globally. Statistically, 47.8% of India's population is below 29 years, increasing to 49.9% in 2021. It is expected that over the next 15 years, 365 million people will be eligible ...
Ease of Doing Business IndexNow a days 'Ease of Doing Business' is a hot topic of debate and everyone is looking towards it in order to boost the economy and in the era of globalization itSocial Science Electronic Publishing
World Bank has been reporting its Ease-Of-Doing-Business rankings for a long time showing India in a dismal light, even in comparison with its immediate neighbours or even with South East Asia averages. The fact that South East Asia itself is no big achiever in the world has not help...
India World Bank Ease of Doing Business in Asia ranking: 19th Global ranking: 63nd India maintains 1% and 3% transfer pricing tolerance for AY 2024-25 India’s Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has set new tolerance ranges for transfer pricing for the Assessment Year 2024-25 under notifi...
India's electricity sector , powered by a recent wave of amendments to the Electricity Rules, 2005 vide notification of Ministry of Power (MoP) dated January 10 and 17, 2024 ("Rules"), is undergoing a transformation. These amendments are aimed at ease of doing business, tackling long-...
EASE OF DOING BUSINESSExpand All Ranking Central Government Inititives State Reforms Sources Have a Query? Connect to us PrintFooter About Contact Cookies Policy Downloads Links Terms Of Service Use of the 'Make in India' logo is strictly prohibited without permission of DPIIT...
Welcoming the Indian government's continuous push for reforms in governance, President of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) Sandip Somany said, "India continues to be amongst the top ten improvers in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Ranking for the third...
In spite of the discontinuation of the World Bank’s ease of doing business rankings (earlier this year), Mr Ratnoo maintained that the Government of India remains committed to promote the ease of doing business in India. Significant and positive reforms have been “relent...
Iran is ranked 127 among 190 economies in the ease of doing business, according to the latest World Bank annual ratings. The rank of Iran improved to 127 in 2019 from 128 in 2018. This page includes a chart with historical data for Ease of Doing Business