Venue: Centre de Congrès de Lyon (CCC-Lyon), France 摘要征文投稿: Abstract submission Deadline: December 5, 2023 (midnight CET) Notifications to submitters will be emailed by mid-February, 2024. Late Breaking abstract submission will be between 11-26 March, 2024.A late-breaking abstract subm...
Venue: Centre de Congrès de Lyon (CCC-Lyon), France 摘要征文投稿: Abstract submission Deadline: December 5, 2023 (midnight CET) Notifications to submitters will be emailed by mid-February, 2024. Late Breaking abstract submission will be between 11-26 March, 2024.A late-breaking abstract subm...
2024年第92届欧洲动脉粥样硬化学会年会(EAS) 会议简介 我们代表欧洲动脉粥样硬化学会 (EAS) 和新法国动脉粥样硬化学会很荣幸地邀请您参加在里昂市举行的第 92届EAS 大会。里昂是罗马帝国时期高卢人的首都,以其美食和地标建筑(联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心)而闻名。如今,里昂是一个主要的经济中心,也是法国第二大学生...
城市:法国-里昂 地点:Centre de Congrès de Lyon (CCC-Lyon) 时间:2024-05-26 - 2024-05-29 会议简介 2024年第92届欧洲动脉粥样硬化学会年会(EAS)将于2024年5月26日至29日在法国里昂举行,欧洲动脉粥样硬化协会 (EAS) 成立于 1964 年,其宗旨是“推进和交流有关动脉粥样硬化疾病的病因、自然史、治疗和预防...
We are extremely happy to invite you to attend the EAS 2024 Congress in Lyon, on May 26 – May 29. You are sure to gain new friends, new ideas, and inspiration to take your studies of atherosclerosis and related vascular disease to new levels!
结束:2024-05-29 会议地点 法国- 里昂 会议展馆 Centre de Congrès de Lyon (CCC-Lyon) 选择支付 已过期 条款说明 1、常规注册包括:会议,展览,会议资料,茶歇。 2、随行人员注册包括:茶歇,进入展区参观。 3、享受早鸟注册价格,须于早期注册截止日期前完成注册及汇款。如果汇款未于截止日期到达,则不能享受早期...
The congress will carry on from the successful recent congress held in Lyon, France and will offer in-person and virtual attendance. During the meeting we will explore the latest developments in basic, translational and clinical research into the causes of atherosclerosis and related vascular disease...