We are the number one sustainable autonomous design-build company. We build autonomous homes, you can see some of our projects in our portfolio. We teach people to build autonomous homes at our Earthship Academy and seminar lecture series. We encourage people to learn about sustainability at our...
I have some concerns with earthships that I have tried to share in the decade I have worked in architecture in New Mexico, as I helped friends and clients who frustrated about how their homes do not function as designed. I even had to consult on several demos from mold problems - what ...
The homes are all designed according to basic earthship principles developed in the United States. 15,000 tires will be recycled to construct these homes (the UK burns approximately 40 million tires each year). The plans include the enhancement of habitats on the site for lizards that already ...
Michael Reynolds, creator of the Earthship concept, is a world leader in environmental building. He is the author of five books and has 30 years experience designing and building fully self-sufficient homes. The innovative Earthship design combines passive solar heating with thermal mass construction ...
The Kinney family got the plans for their earthship from Global Model, but made a few modifications. And while there’s still some furnishing, finishing and tweaks needed, Kinney said he’s already impressed with the 2,000-square-foot finished product. ...
One of the greatest draws of these eco-homes is the design for climate control, which is efficient enough to keep the structure at a comfortable temperature throughout the year. The thermal mass alone operates as insulation when the interior needs warmth and a heat sink when it needs cooling...