ArcGIS Living Atlas of the Worldincludes authoritative live feeds and other content that helps you learn more about earthquakes, faults, and what was experienced. Follow these steps to make your own earthquake map in a minute. The workflow is as follows: Make a map using the ArcGI...
Fig. 1: South Shetland Island map. aGlobe showing the location of the study region (red circle).bRegional map showing the tectonic setting (red circle denotes the location of the swarm).cMap of the Brainsfield Basin, between Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula. The regional seismicity was...
We are grateful to Lind Gee and Bob Hutt for information about the Global Seismographic Network (GSN) and for providing a high‐resolution graphic file of an up‐to‐date GSN station map. Author information Authors and Affiliations US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, USA William H. K. Lee ...
and its higher sensitivity results in more than twice the number of detected events. The newly detected events are not limited to the two main faults active in the Tottori sequence, and include
Observations in tectonically active areas increasingly reveal sets of high-angle conjugate faults (‘cross-faults’) that apparently contradict theories of faulting based on experimental data. Possible explanations include a low in situ coefficient of friction, dominant control of ductile shear zones in ...
The map shows the location of the February 6, 2023, M 7.8 (orange star) and M 7.5 (blue star) earthquakes. Also shown are the plate boundaries and active faults (Emre et al., 2018)in Turkey. Black arrows show schematically the motions of the African and Arabian plates, and the Anatoli...
(Fig.1c) with peak strengthτp = 80 MPa, residual strengthτr = 60MPa and critical slip distanceδc = 10−5 m. Hence, the fault is characterized by realistic stress levels for natural faults, and a well-defined and constant fracture energyG = 100 Jm−2, ...
Many characteristics of the incoming oceanic lithosphere, such as its age, rigidity, fabric orientation or sediment thickness, are often cited as important properties controlling the geometry, state of stress, dynamics and hazard potential of subduction
faults have dominantly strike-slip motion with right-lateral displacement. Three clear examples of this relation occur in the Imperial Valley, Coso Hot Springs, and the Danville region, all in California. The first two of these areas are known for their Holocene volcanism and geothermal potential,...
S. (2007). USGS Report-1137: Preliminary earthquake hazard map of Afghanistan. Reston, USA: United States Geological Survey.Boyd, O.S., Mueller, C.S., and Rukstales, K.S., Preliminary earthquake hazard map of Afghanistan: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1137, 2007....