Sadly, Owen Geiger, the originator of this website, died on November 6th, 2018. Most of the plans shown here are still available viaDream Green Homeshowever, so if you have any questions or comments please contact Kelly Hart via the contact form on that site. Our main blog is now called...
For more information aboutthis plan, and many others, visit our sister, where you will find a wide range of plans for sustainable homes, greenhouses, small buildings, garages, and food storage space for sale.Dream Green Homesis a consortium of outstanding architects...
Earthbag homes are inexpensive, with many builders able to use the soil that's on-site to build the home. Bags are usually low-priced in bulk, particularly misprinted bags that companies sell at reduced rates. But we'll talk more about materials in earthbag construction in the next section....
And if you’re looking for house plans, my Earthbag House Plans site features over 110 sustainable plans that can be purchased through Dream Green Homes. My new Earthbag Building Guide and Earthbag Building DVD are now available. The following instructions assume you have cleared and leveled the...
–narrow floorplans –orientation to catch breezes more effectively –location: breezy locations near lakes, etc. –outdoor living areas –porches/verandas that shade the walls –shaded, high thermal mass walls such as earthbags, adobe, etc. ...
Earthbag homes are inexpensive, with many builders able to use the soil that's on-site to build the home. Bags are usually low-priced in bulk, particularly misprinted bags that companies sell at reduced rates. But we'll talk more about materials in earthbag construction in the next section....