Earth Wind Map Last year, Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg of the site Hint.FM pulled near real-time data from theNational Digital Forecast Database, to create adynamic wind mapof the United States. Now, Cameron Beccario has taken it one step further and create a wind map of the en...
Earth Wind Map Last year, Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg of the site Hint.FM pulled near real-time data from theNational Digital Forecast Database, to create adynamic wind mapof the United States. Now, Cameron Beccario has taken it one step further and create a wind map of the en...
including some dashed lines. To add the borders we need to create a base map. To do this, use the same trick in QGIS with the borders layer, and then save it and create and style a
U-component of wind -32.93 34.04 m/s VGRD V-component of wind -28.44 39.21 m/s SPFH Specific humidity 0 0.02 kg/kg WDIR Wind direction (from which blowing) 0 360 deg true WIND Wind speed 0 42.46 m/s GUST Wind speed (gust) 0 58.02 m/s VIS Visibility 0 20000 m TCDC Total cloud...
See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions, as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map - alex-lit/octobercms-earth-nullschool-maps-plugin
lifetime(WIND_VEC_COUNT,LIFE_TIME);vector<double>g_windLonArr(WIND_VEC_COUNT*2,0);vector<double>g_windLatArr(WIND_VEC_COUNT*2,0);constvector<double>cg_ELEVATIONS(WIND_VEC_COUNT*2,WIND_ELEVATION);floatg_timeScale=1;#define EXIT_BAD_PROJ_CONTEXT 31#define EXIT_BAD_PROJ_PJ 32structLon...
WorldWind学习系列十一:Virtual Earth插件学习 学习WorldWind有很长时间了,理论学习算是基本完成了。我体会是WW的学习主要分为两大步:WW框架体系学习和WW插件学习。学习WW插件逐步深入后,必然要首先学习Direct3D编程,这也算是我的经验之谈吧。今天Virtual Earth插件学习完成,也标志着我可以从WW理论转向WW实践啦。虽然...
Fig. 2: Areas with abundant and reliable wind power. The map shows the minimum percentile rank across mean power density, seasonal variability, and weather variability. To indicate regions with potential for relatively strong and reliable wind generation, we give a high score if it has a high ...
Ocean alkalinity enhancement is a commonly touted method for marine carbon dioxide removal but many questions remain, including its capacity for large-scale carbon removal. Computer models have now been used to map the timescales and efficiency of carbon removal at global scale, revealing important re...
- Compass displaying the wind direction - Air pressure (+ Balloon & animated Rotator) - Actual moonphases displaying - Date + time of the weather data - Simulation of 8 Weather sceneries, Windsock, Balloon (Air pressure) - Data: Internet, online (only a few Byte) ...