大类:Earth and Planetary Sciences小类:Space and Planetary ScienceQ230 / 104 71% 名词解释:CiteScore是基于Scopus数据库的全新期刊评价体系。CiteScore 2021 的计算方式是期刊最近4年(含计算年度)的被引次数除以该期刊近四年发表的文献数。CiteScore基于全球最广泛的摘要和引文数据库Scopus,适用于所有连续出版物,而...
https://www.facebook.com/earth.planets.space Messages on EPS This video serves as an introduction to Earth, Planets and Space. See alsoour YouTube channel. Society affiliation Earth, Planets and Spaceis affiliated with: Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences ...
大类:Earth and Planetary Sciences小类:GeologyQ153 / 321 83% 大类:Earth and Planetary Sciences小类:Space and Planetary ScienceQ230 / 104 71% 名词解释: CiteScore:衡量期刊所发表文献的平均受引用次数。 SJR:SCImago 期刊等级衡量经过加权后的期刊受引用次数。引用次数的加权值由施引期刊的学科领域和声望 ...
《地球与空间科学》(Earth And Space Science)是一本以Earth and Planetary Sciences-General Earth and Planetary Sciences综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd出版商创刊于2014年,刊期12 issues/year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦Earth and Planetary Sciences-General Earth...
投稿网址:http://earth-planets-space.springeropen.com/submission-guidelines 英文简介 The Earth, Planets and Space (EPS) publishes original articles on earth and planetary sciences, particularly geomagnetism, aeronomy, space science, seismology, volcanology, geodesy, and planetary science. We also welcome...
Earth, Planets and Space (EPS) covers scientific articles in Earth and Planetary Sciences, particularly geomagnetism, aeronomy, space science, seismology, volcanology, geodesy, and planetary science. EPS also welcomes articles in new and interdisciplinary subjects, including instrumentations. Only new ...
Earth and Space Science(ESS)是一本开放性期刊,出版高质量的原创研究论文,涵盖所有地球、行星和空间科学,包括环境科学、地球和空间工程以及生物地球化学的相关领域。 01 基本信息 期刊ISSN:2333-5084; 期刊主编:Graziella Caprarelli; 出版国家/地区:United States; 出版商:Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 涉及的研究...
Earth and Space Science is a Gold Open Access journal publishing original articles spanning all of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. ESS particularly welcomes papers presenting key data sets, observations, methods, instruments, sensors, and algori
大类:Earth and Planetary Sciences 小类:Space and Planetary Science Q2 30 / 104 71% 名词解释: CiteScore:由Elsevier集团开发,类似影响因子用来评估杂志期刊学术影响力的一个指标。CiteScore采用了四年区间来计算每个期刊的学术引用。CiteScore拥有自带数据库Scopus,Scopus主要两个特点:一是免费面向所有人开放;...
EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE《地球,行星和宇宙空间》(年刊)。Earth, Planets and Space (EPS) covers scientific articles in Earth and Planetary Sciences, particula...[显示全部] 给编辑部投稿-->官网投稿 收藏本刊 报刊点评 咨询编辑部 纠错、补充 认证信息 ...