如果你想在PyTorch中直接使用Wasserstein距离作为损失函数,可以使用scipy库中的wasserstein_distance函数,或者自己实现一个简单的版本。以下是一个例子: 使用scipy库 from scipy.stats import wasserstein_distance import torch def wasserstein_loss(y_pred, y_true): # 将张量转换为NumPy数组 y_pred_np = y_pred.de...
目前要做两个无序点集之间的相似性计算,在看过Chamfer Distance后,个人觉得CD的计算方式决定了其无法处理两个点集整体分布差异大,但是局部有部分点距离很近的情况,而这种情况在点集中是一定可能出现的,因此使用EMD可以保证每个点集都有一一对应的整体cost最小点 Earth Mover Distance 在网上有很多EMD的解析和案例分析,...
PyTorch 1.0 implementation of the approximate Earth Mover's Distance - GitHub - oIi123/PyTorch-EMDLoss: PyTorch 1.0 implementation of the approximate Earth Mover's Distance
An implementation of Squared Earth-Mover's Distance loss for Neural Networks. deep-learningneural-networksloss-functionsearth-movers-distance UpdatedMar 25, 2023 Python PyTorch code for ACL 2022 paper: RoMe: A Robust Metric for Evaluating Natural Language Generationhttps://aclanthology.org/2022.acl-...
PyTorch has created, trained, and evaluated the U-Net and SegNet models. Lightning is a high-level PyTorch framework that simplifies the training and deployment of deep learning models. It makes models hardware agnostic and improves code readability by removing boilerplate, with minimal overhead (...
PyTorch 1.0 implementation of the approximate Earth Mover's Distance This is a PyTorch wrapper of CUDA code for computing an approximation to the Earth Mover's Distance loss. Original source code can be foundhere. This repository updates the code to be compatible with PyTorch 1.0 and extends the...
(EMO) for auto-regressive language modeling. EMO capitalizes on the inherent properties of earth mover distance to address the aforementioned challenges. Due to the high complexity of direct computation, we further introduce a feasible upper bound for EMO to ease end-to-end training. Upon ...
from emd import earth_mover_distance d = earth_mover_distance(p1, p2, transpose=False) # p1: B x N1 x 3, p2: B x N2 x 3 Checktest_emd_loss.pyfor example. The cuda code is originally written by Haoqiang Fan. The PyTorch wrapper is written by Kaichun Mo. Also, Jiayuan Gu provid...
EMD: Earth Mover Distance It contains the Earth Mover Distance function with CUDA implementation for PyTorch as well as Tensorflow. Test Entire Package: chmod +x test.sh ./test.sh Some Important Points about usage: Both Inputs should have dimension (Batch x Number of Points x Dimension) ...
PyTorch implementation of DeepEMD: Few-Shot Image Classification with Differentiable Earth Mover's Distance and Structured Classifiers" (CVPR 2020 oral(oral video)) and "DeepEMD v2: Differentiable Earth Mover's Distance for Few-Shot Learning" (TPAMI Extension). ...