Sets the max ammount of players for said map. /mapeditor <map-name> name <new map-name> Edits the map name, enforces the endings (-IN, -TDM, -RB etc.) /mapeditor <map-name> rp <resource pack> Sets the resource pack of said map, can also be used to edit the resource pack i...
Today I will elaborate on the map changes which will be part of the upcoming 1.24 update. As the hawk-eyed among you will have 分享8873 米迦勒吧 默夜尘嚣 【科普一下】摘抄自圣经原文 PS:有人说我们只会百度= =可恶但以理书10:21但我要将那录在真确书上的事告诉你,除了你们的大君米迦勒之外,没...