代码: varesri_lulc2020=ee.ImageCollection("projects/sat-io/open-datasets/landcover/ESRI_Global-LULC_10m")// Define a dictionary which will be used to make legend and visualize image on mapvardict={"names":["Water","Trees","Grass","Flooded Vegetation","Crops","Scrub/Shrub","Built Area",...
Picture Box pbImage None Top, Left In the rdRoad option button control, set the Checked property to True. In the webBrowserMap control, set the Dock property to None. For the TrackBar object, set the following properties. Table 2. Property values for TrackBar controls Expand table Property...
Image> g_fboImage; int g_fboImageWidth = -1 ; int g_fboImageHeight = -1; class MyPostDrawCallBack :public osg::Camera::DrawCallback { public: virtual void operator()(osg::RenderInfo& renderInfo)const; private: }; void MyPostDrawCallBack::operator()(osg::RenderInfo& renderInfo)...
(2) water insecurity and (3) water quality. The regional surface and groundwater ESBs are generally in the long-term interests of surrounding communities, as they conserve future fresh water (intergenerational justice: I2b in Box1). Where depleted aquifers ...
0: No opaque clouds 1: Opaque clouds present Bit 11: Cirrus clouds 0: No cirrus clouds 1: Cirrus clouds present 以下是官网给出的去云的内容介绍: Cloud Masks The Level-1C products embed: Vector mask (GML format) cloud mask including an indicator specifying cloud type: ...
('source_imagery_start'))//Add a multiclass chipvarimage=na.filter(ee.Filter.gte('distinct_classes',7)).first()image=image.updateMask(image.gt(0)).select('b1')Map.centerObject(image)// var img = ee.Image('projects/earthengine-legacy/assets/projects/sat-io/open-datasets/LandCoverNet/...
Anthony Hickox had been refused permission to shoot in a real church, so he used a matte painting as a background to the altar. When the crew complained of sacrilege, Hickox told them it was no different than the countless Hammer horror films in which Christopher Lee as Dracula rampaged in...
Full size image The more detailed structure within the continents is even better illustrated in the shape index shown in Fig. 2a. The values of the shape index can be expressed as dome- to bowl-like structures that the equipotential surface follows as an expression of a mass surplus or defic...
Full size image Fig. 3: Summary cartoon of the volcano-tectonic unrest. aVertical cross-section along profile AB (Fig.2), with strike-slip events (red) marking the magma path (arrows) in different phases (numbers), and normal faulting events (blue) being triggered above the lateral dike ...
Full size image Are other Antarctic ice shelves in trouble? Although ARs are an ever-present feature of the AP climate system that cause short-term conditions, which are consequential to ice-shelf stability, their effects have mostly been noticed during the relatively recent period of warmth in ...