Guandalini R (2012b) SPH simulation of sediment flushing induced by a rapid water flow WaveSAX-electric energy from wave motion view project Safety of mining and energy activities view project SPH simulation of sediment flushing induced by a rapid water flow. J...
The utility model discloses a detector for the geosound parameter of debris flow, which solves the problems that the existing signal detection technology for the geosound of debris flow has only a single detection point, large signal distortion when the detected data are transmitted, and no ...
et al. Atmospheric ammonia (NH3) emanations from Lake Natron’s saline mudflats. Sci. Rep. 9, 4441 (2019). Article Google Scholar Hickman, J. E. et al. Changes in biomass burning, wetland extent, or agriculture drive atmospheric NH3 trends in select African regions. Atmos. Chem. Phys....
Remaining elements were analysed in reaction mode using N2O (20 % flow, 0.21 mL/min) and the MO+ reaction products measured (e.g. 56Fe measured as 56-72Fe at mass 72). On-line addition of indium was used as the internal standard element. The sample introduction system was rinsed in ...
Experimental study of the grain-flow, fluid-mud transition in debris flows. J. Geol. 109, 427–447 (2001). ADS Google Scholar Leonardi, A. et al. Granular-front formation in free-surface flow of concentrated suspensions. Phys. Rev. E 92, 052204 (2015). ADS Google Scholar Jeong, S...
Densities - pound per cubic foot and kilograms per cubic metre - of dirt and mud. EN 1329 - PVC Piping for Soil and Waste Discharge - Dimensions Dimensions of PVC pipes according EN 1329. EN 1401 - PVC Piping Systems for Non-Pressure Underground Drainage and Sewerage Dimensions of PVC ...
Readers assure me that Russia is “getting its ass kicked” in that sore-beset, yawning expanse of wheat and mud that has been, one way or another, a domain of Russia longer than the USA has been nation — except the past thirty-odd years when it has been a playground for homegrown ...
(those long strips of earth or ice drilled out by scientists) and Milankovich cycles (large-scale cycles from the wobble of the Earth, etc., which I mentionedoncein a discussion of climate modeling) and geologic time and particle sizes for sand and mud. Very sciency, but with a lot of...
Thirdly, the speed at which this carnage is being conducted, as if some undisclosed timeline exists for its “completion”. The use of an ever-changing rationale, with claims such as enemy use of human shields or embedding among civilians, put forward at the aggressor’s convenience. ...
Seagrass ecosystems are important carbon dioxide sinks that can sequester carbon for centuries as organic matter in sediment. They are also a major source of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, which limits their carbon sink capacity. However, data are lac