Beoordelingen EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5 Meld je aan om te beoordelen Beoordelingen van spelers wereldwijd 4.67Gemiddelde beoordeling 4.67/5 sterren uit 6139 beoordelingen 6139 beoordelingen 84% 8% 3% 1% 4% Word een EDF soldaat en red de wereld.–Een action shooter waarin de EDF het ...
EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5 - Blacker 4.1 Calificación global de los jugadores 4.78Calificación media de 4.78 estrellas de un total de cinco estrellas en 9 calificaciones 9 calificaciones 78 % 22 % 0 % 0 % 0 % Información legal y del juego ...
EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5 $19.98$79.95Save 75%Offer ends 17/1/2025 11:59 PM UTC Add-Ons PS4 VehicleCaliban Armored Vehicle Happy Manager Logo $2.85 PS4 VehicleEARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5 - Blacker 4.1 $2.85 PS4 VehicleEARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5 - Blacker 5 ...
EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5 Sign In to Rate 6173 ratings 84% 8% 3% 1% 4% Game and Legal Info Become an EDF Soldier and Save Earth Become one of the soldiers of EDF and exterminate the invading aliens. Protect peace on Earth. Human-Looking Aliens Appear for the First Time in The Series ...
earth defense force 5 输入您的出生日期 mm月 dd日 yyyy年 请输入有效日期 登录 请登录您的索尼帐户,系统下次会记住您的年龄。 年龄受限抱歉,您没有资格查看此内容。 sensitive_content live_blog_feed_age_verify {num} {overline} {title} {paragraph} {feature_icon} {feature_title} {feature_desc}...
Earth Defense Force®2025, la secuela que los fans del género shooter estaban esperando, es un juego de acción y disparos en el que los jugadores rechazarán una invasión alienígena terrorífica. Equípate con armas, elige entre 4 tipos de personajes y acaba con las criaturas para ...
※This item is also offered in a pack. Humans, Defy Your Destiny. Set in the year 2022, this action shooter depicts the war between alien intruders from outer space and the Earth Defense Force EDF. Become an EDF soldier and exterminate endless waves o
Stand and fight for humanity. This arcade shooter takes place in the year 2022, as the Earth Defense Force fends off an all-out attack by unknown life forms. Become an EDF soldier, battle against endless hordes of immense enemies, and restore peace to th
地球防卫军5是血统纯正的EDF,保留了系列原汁原味的特色。游戏继承了系列的传统:缺点无数·罄竹难书·动作僵硬·反馈奇葩·关卡原始·建模粗糙·画质低劣·情节老套·人设畸形——但EDF系列还有另一个传统艺能,那就是哪里都不好,就是好玩。 虽然一个人可以放松娱乐,但和好友可以相互伤害,情侣间还能加速分手,这款游...
名称:EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5 类型:动作 开发商:SANDLOT 发行商:D3PUBLISHER 系列:EARTH DEFENSE FORCE SERIES 发行日期:2019 年 7 月 11 日 访问网站查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 76 metacritic 阅读游戏评测 在Steam 上查看“EARTH DEFENSE FORCE SERIES”全合集作品 ...