In my review for Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable I lamented the lack of love for “b-games,” the low-budget no-man’s-land of the video game world. Aaa titles with behemoth budgets will receive reams of recognition (or drown in derision when they come out poorly), and tiny indie ...
在《地球防卫军2025(Earth Defense Force 2025)》中,你想要获得乐趣就必须牺牲帧率。比如,如果你愿意牺帧率,那么你就能通过一场大规模的空袭将数十只巨虫一下子炸上天去,又或者用一支电子狙击步枪将虫子们轰得断肢体液四处横飞。这部游戏的优化很差,有些关卡设计也非常糟糕,但其连续不断的、过火的大规模破坏和拥...
游戏名称:地球防卫军2025 英文名称:Earth Defense Force 2025 游戏类型:动作(ACT)游戏 游戏制作:Sandlot 游戏发行:D3 Publisher 游戏平台:PS3/Xbox 360 发售时间:2014年2月18日 官方网站:点击进入 在《地球防卫军2025(Earth Defense Force 2025)》中,你想要获得乐趣就必须牺牲帧率。比如,如果你愿意牺帧率,那么你...
英文名称: Earth Defense Force 2025 发行公司: D3Publisher 游戏平台:ps3xbox360 PSV 游戏类型: 第三...
ps3《地球防卫军2025 Earth Defense Force 2025》英文ISO下载,地球防卫军2025是一款第三人称射击游戏,这款游戏一上线就备受好评,精彩的玩法和流畅的画面让很多玩家爱不释手,千万不要错过! 《地球防卫军2025》是由Sandlot制作,D3 Publisher发行的动作射击游戏,对应平台为PS3和Xbox 360。游戏的故事背景设定在2025年,...
巨型的昆虫又回到了地球,对付它们的任务又一次落到了地球防卫军的手上。本作是《地球防卫军》系列的第四部作品,名为《地球防卫军2025》。它将于2013年在PS3与Xbox360上与大家见面。 系列前作《地球防卫军:决战昆虫》是交给D3和Vicious Cycle合作完成的。但本作将由系列的原制作商Sandlot开发,他们最初是把《地...
Xbox 360 50 Fair is fair, Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon is a game of below average quality. But because it doesn't pretend to be anything more than that, we'll let that slide. But even for a game in which simplism is the main attraction, it still does too many th...
Earth Defense Force 6 is one of those games that I will never get tired of, as I have gone back to every single game in the series time and time again. As a whole, Earth Defense Force deserves way more attention, and I can't imagine there's anyone who wouldn't like it. If you...
arrives on Earth and begins indiscriminately attacking humans... "Earth Defense Force" is a shooting action game and follow-up to "THE Earth Defense Force" and "THE Earth Defense Force 2", released in Japan. In this game, the player becomes a soldier of an international army, the EDF, ...
比地球防卫军5重复的关卡少很多,武器搭配很重要,游戏整体还可以。 2023-12-03 GMGod (上海) 2023-10-14 瑞凡罗汶 (北京) 不伦不类的衍生之作。各方面都在营造“edf感”,比如队员以小见大的对讲机演出、巨大的敌人、可破坏环境等等。但是都只学到了皮毛,显得生硬、稚嫩。退一步讲,即使不和edf正传对比,...