Or join the Earth Day Initiative for an in-person festival at Union Square, along with a virtual livestream from cities around the world. Over the weekend, the Department of Transportation's Open Streets program also hosted a "Car-Free Earth Day," with special events at several locations and...
In NYC's Union Square, girls plant flowers on April 22, 1970 A crowd of people gather in NYC near a large poster that shows a speech bubble from planet Earth that reads "Help!!" Two young people attempt to share a kiss with each other while wearing gas masks during an Earth Day poll...
NYC Earth Day Bazaar Head to Gran Grand Bazaar NYC, 100 W 77th Street, the city’s oldest and most diverse weekly marketplace. Visiting the open-aired Earth Day Bazaar will give you access to sustainability and conscious living themes. Everything you’ll see here will be planet-friendly,...
Earth Day, is Monday April 22, and there are ways to really enjoy the day and the day leading up to the big event. First up the NYC Earth Day Bazaar Sun…
This adorable girl entered the contest and appeared on my television show earlier in the day. Posing with students and their families Here I am with judges Adrian Benepe – Commissioner NYC Parks Department, Marty Carey – artist and creator of one of the original Earth Day Posters holding his...
Most of my inspiration I draw from nature, I like to take walks and look for the natural world even in places like the middle ofNYC, where man tries so hard to shelter itself from nature, and yet you see its effects always…grass growing in between side walks, cracks in walls caused ...
” Restaurant owners need financial support but ultimately want increased indoor dining capacity and in NYC the ability to open for indoor dining. New York city officials said earlier this week that roughly 1,300 of the city’s 25,000 restaurants and bars have shut down amid the pandemic. “...
Based on the amount of carbon used every day (at 2017 levels), 1.5 degrees of warming will occur in about seven and a half years. The Union Square Climate Clock now puts a countdown to that deadline in one of New York's most public places....
In the same day, two US MSM publications, Newsweek and NYT, go against what has so far been the official view on Ukraine. As Zelensky is in Washington/NYC. That can’t be a coincidence. First, a Newsweek piece authored by “Daniel L. Davis , Senior Fellow, Defense Priorities”. Apart...
“If I had any doubts about this being on purpose, that is completely gone at this point. It’s almost terrifying seeing what is going on and the majority of people have no idea. Every day something else happens to add to this list. Things are happening so quickly now, that it is ...