An introduction to the concept of global footprints. The children's part of the site includes games, facts, poems, stories, quizzes, and web links on the subject ofsustainability. For teachers and parents there isbackground information and classroom activities.saving energyget tips on reducing...
You can challenge older kids to create a craft using items that they would otherwise throw away or recycle. It will be fun to see how their crafty little minds thinks ofunusual ways to upcycle. If you have younger children, you might provide them with an Earth Day craft ready to go such...
I have been waiting long for this spring song. –Langston Hughes (1902–67) Answers to our Earth Day Quiz Only 9% of the plastic we discard every day is recycled. Most end up in landfills, where they may take 1,000 years to decompose and increase toxic waste in our water and soil....
You can also try your hand at ourgeography quiz, and there's anearth science quiztoo if you want to see how much you know about everything to do with our planet! 1. The Earth is over 4 billion years old! About 4.543 billion years, to be precise! In fact it's so old that humani...
The Earth spins completely around once every day. Find out what you know about the effects of this movement by answering the questions on this...
Quiz Course 9.1K views History of the Holiday So how did this Earth Day extravaganza come to be? The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. A senator named Gaylord Nelson was very concerned about the environment and how it was being destroyed by people and industries. He ...
advocates believe that we can capture and sequester enough carbon from the atmosphere to reverse the anthropogenic effects. In this interactive online course for grades 3-5, kids will learn about climate change, the carbon cycle, and climate restoration. Includes a quiz and art and writing ...–This link takes you to A Billion Acts of Green where you can “take action” for Earth Month by signing petitions fighting for a greener world, find clean-ups to join, or try out downloadable action toolkits. Plus, the rest of the site has quizzes, resources, stories, ...
The meaning of EARTH is the fragmental material composing part of the surface of the globe; especially : cultivable soil. How to use earth in a sentence.
34. Test Your Knowledge With a Digital Quiz Use this interactive multiple-choice quiz to test your students’ knowledge of Earth Day in a fun and memorable way. This makes for a low-pressure way to assess student learning or wrap up an environmental unit. ...