A remarkable, unique program designed and implemented by middle school science teacher Janneke Petersen, Symbiotic Schoolyard seeks to engage kids in hands-on planting activity. But not just any plants: Petersen’s Schoolyard Habitat Restoration curriculum focuses on restoring habitat by planting and n...
Honor the planet in your classroom with these fun Earth Day activities for middle school and high school students.
12 chapters in Earth Science: Middle School expand all|collapse all Course Practice Test Check your knowledge of this course with a 50-question practice test. Comprehensive test covering all topics Detailed video explanations for wrong answers ...
40+ Earth Day science activities and STEM projects for kids that are easy to set up and fit into your available time, even if it’s limited! Printable Earth Day theme STEM activities that are simple but engaging for home or classroom. Perfect for K-2 and beyond but easily adaptable to m...
This Earth Day, on April 22, teach your class about the importance of protecting and preserving the planet with these cross-curricular Earth Day lesson plans and printables.
Engage your Middle School students with PASCO’s STEM-based solutions for Earth Science. When using our innovative sensors and equipment, students develop data analysis and critical thinking skills through hands-on experimentation. Transform your classroom with cross-platform, live data for weather, wat...
Holt Middle School Science and Technology: Earth Science, Life Science, Physical ScienceMIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL SOFTWARE/WEB SITESFinley, SallyMultimedia & Internet
Project CUES is a middle-school earth systems science curriculum project under development by the American Geological Institute (AGI) and funded by the National Science Foundation (ESI-0095938). CUES features a student-centered, inquiry pedagogy and approaches earth science from a systems perspective....
We share our experience with an intensive professional development workshop that provides an opportunity for middle- and high-school earth science teachers to bring EarthScope science into the classroom. As the USArray moves into the Midwest, EarthScope provides an opportunity for place-based education...
Create an Earth Science Worksheet Pricing for Schools & Districts Introductory School Offer Includes: 1 School 5 Teachers for One Year 1 Hour of Virtual PD Email Me a Quote! 30 Day Money Back Guarantee • New Customers Only • Full Price After Introductory Offer • Access is for 1...