in relation to a digital ID, that “The debate has been won. It’s just about how & when we implement it in U.K.” I tell you this, with absolute conviction. The day you sign up for a new format, global, editable, biometric digital ID, that’s...
On December 17, 2024, the House Administration Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight (Administration Subcommittee) released its report on the events surrounding January 6, 2021 and the politicization of the Select Committee (January 6 Committee) established by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi to investigate ...
It's another very warm day in Eastern USA including the capital Washington DC & 90s in Virginia,with cold weather stuck in the West,but this is set to change dramatically with a warm spell building in Western USA and colder than normal temperatures in the East for quite awhile.pic.twitter...
As I said earlier today, I picked up a whole slew of articles on the “coronavirus” through the day yesterday, collected some more today, and then decided not to put them in my daily Debt Rattle news aggregator today because it would have been too much. I wasn’t trying to focus on ...
where B8—Visible and Near-Infrared (VNIR 842 nm) band and B12—Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR 2190 nm) Sentinel-2 MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) bands for each image, specifically the ith one; fire zones are to be detected. Subsequently, the assessment of land surface changes was conducted indivi...
Ideally, near-real-time Earth observing platforms, such as AVHRR and MODIS, are desirable for time series analysis, but they are unavailable to record fine-scale alterations that are crucial for management requirements [27]. For example, MODIS misses up to 50% of the forest changes when compar...
maximumTW > 35 °C. TheTWthreshold of 35 °C was chosen as it is often considered to be a human physiological limit of tolerance to heat stress. The human body is unable to cool itself beyondTW = 35 °C (ref.124,125). An average 1 day per year over this ...
In this analysis, the quantitative framework we use to define a composite prescribed fire metric (i.e., to determine whether conditions, in aggregate, are within acceptable bounds for prescribed fire in a given location on a given day) is based upon a suite of near-surface meteorological varia...
on mannequins and exhibited the next day, along with information about the designers and their creative inspiration, to allow people to inspect the artistry, craftsmanship, and detail in the outfits. This proved popular and will surely inspire others to enter their own creations in future events....
May 25, 2023 / Leave a comment My girlfriend and I put up with the crowds to spend a spring-like January afternoon hiking up Rattlesnake Ledge, one of the Seattle area’s best-known day hikes. The trail was a delightful conga line with cute dogs and so many babies riding in backpac...