2024年4月22日是第55个世界地球日 主题是“全球战塑” 我国的宣传主题是 “珍爱地球,人与自然和谐共生” 今天 我们精心设计了一组海报 希望能给你带来一些思考与启发 从而行动起来 保护地球环境 1 The World Earth Day 珍爱地球 让家园焕发生机与活力 2 The World Earth Day 保护自然 让小树苗茁壮成长 3 The ...
April 22, 2024 marks the 55th World Earth Day. This year's theme is "Planet vs. Plastics." Humans consume about 1 million plastic bottles every minute, and more than 5 trillion plastic bags are used each year. ...
Read about Earth Day around the world in 2025. Whilst not a national holiday, Earth Day on April 22nd each year marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.
Earth Day and World Law Dayare celebrated every year on April 22. On this day, while focusing on environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources, people also examine the role of law in environmental ...
The 55th Earth Day is Tuesday, April 22. So, what is Earth Day? How did it come to be? How do we celebrate Earth Day? Find out in this informative article, including 10 tips to make your planet a better place to live—which is integral to your own health
What do the campaigners behind Earth Day want to achieve and how did the decades-old event come about? Sky News looks at why and how the day is marked.
Earth Day 2025 April 22, 2025 in the WorldThe earth as viewed from space. Copyright: NASA, license: public domain Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as...
This year(2024) April 22Monday Next year(2025) April 22Tuesday Last year(2023) April 22Saturday Topic Nature & Environment Earth Day is a time of the year to reflect on how your life impacts the planet. On this day, people think about new ways to reduce their carbon footprint and impro...
Earth Day is an annual event taking place each year on 22nd April, aiming to bring together over one billion people to “advance sustainability and climate action”. Earth Day itself is the focal point of Earth Month, which takes place throughout April with hundreds of events taking place aro...
Earth Day 2024 reminds us that we can’t address the plastic crisis in isolation, nor can we fight climate change without protecting biodiversity. These are all interconnected challenges, demanding a holistic approach. We need to transition to a sustainable future, one where we respect the delicat...