(IBBI); the joint iLEAPS-GEWEX theme on Bridging the Gaps between Hydrometeorological and Biogeochemical Land-Surface Modeling; the joint iLEAPS-ESA initiative Biosphere-Atmosphere-Society Index; the Extreme Events and Environments (EEE) initiative that aims to connect the two separate communities ...
Mesic grasslands in South Africa are characterized by Sorghum bicolour, Aristida junciformis, Eragrostis tenuifolia, Alloteropsis semialata, Tristachya leucothrix, Themeda triandra, Paspalum urvillei, Panicum maximum, and Setaria sphacelate, amongst other grass species [65]. However, the dominant...
This attempt to identify changes in air pollutant concentrations at a spatial extent over time has been the subject of great interest and an important research theme. As mentioned above, the present work fills the gap between knowledge and estimation of air pollutants concentration due to stubble ...
From December 2 to 6, the XIII Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (BIAU) will be held in Lima, Peru, under the theme CLIMATE: Actions for Good Living. Since 1998, the BIAU, promoted by the government of Spain through the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda (MIVAU), ...