Date: starts in 1750 for average land temperature and 1850 for max and min land temperatures and global ocean and land temperatures LandAverageTemperature: global average land temperature in celsius LandAverageTemperatureUncertainty: the 95% confidence interval around the average LandMaxTemperature: global...
//先切片再排序这是X轴的var distances = array.slice(0, 0, 1);array = array.sort(distances);//先切片再排序这是Y轴的var elevationAndTemp = array.slice(0, 1); // For the Y axis.// 投影距离切片以创建 x 轴值的一维数组。var distance = array.slice(0, 0, 1).project([1]);// 画...
//先切片再排序这是X轴的vardistances=array.slice(0,0,1);array=array.sort(distances);//先切片再排序这是Y轴的varelevationAndTemp=array.slice(0,1);// For the Y axis.// 投影距离切片以创建 x 轴值的一维数组。vardistance=array.slice(0,0,1).project([1]);// 画图ui.Chart.array.values(X...
37.783333];vartransect=ee.Geometry.LineString([reno,sf]);// 选择影像按照你的线进行边界筛选,并且选出温度波段varlandsat8Toa=ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA');vartemperature=landsat8Toa.filterBounds(transect).select(['B10'],['temp']).map(function(image){// 温度值转化为摄氏...
Freezing temperature is also 0 degrees Celsius and 273.15 Kelvin. You most likely hear people say “It’s freezing outside!” when the temperature is above the actually freezing temp, but it all depends on what part of the world you live in and what your perception of cold is. Below ...
GloRiC的1.0版本提供了水文、生理气候和地貌的子分类,以及每个河段的综合河道类型,因此总共有127个河段类型。它还提供了一个k-means统计聚类,将河段分为30组。该数据集包括850万条河道,总长度为3590万公里。 你可以在这里找到整体技术文件,在这里找到GloRiC加拿大的技术信息 ...
Warm House and Hot House Climate States were characterized by ‘warm’ deep oceans. ‘Warm’ has been warm in a relative way: as compared to our present ice-cold deep oceans of -1 to +3 degrees Celsius, the ‘warm’ deep oceans of the past probably had average temperatures of 6 to 10...
Atmospheric data consisted of three independent cloud satellite data sets and one data set for aerosols. A clear response to the five strongest Forbush decreases was seen in both aerosols and all low cloud data. The global average response time from the change in ionization t...
(extremeStates,months,'NAME').setChartType('LineChart').setOptions({title:'Average Temperatures in U.S. States',hAxis:{title:'Month',ticks:[{v:months['01_tmean'],f:'January'},{v:months['02_tmean'],f:'2'},{v:months['03_tmean'],f:'3'},{v:months['04_tmean'],f:'April...
Administratively, the QLM region belongs to Gansu and Qinghai provinces in northwest China. The overall terrain of the QLM is higher in the west and lower in the east. The elevation ranges from 2141 m to 5748 m, with an average value of 3500 m above sea level. This area has a typical...