We do not simulate a ‘Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event’ in either the atmosphere or ocean, but it is possible to have a stepwise shift in surface O2 levels or a series of oxygen pulses within our model uncertainty range. The range permits an approximate fivefold increase in atmospheric O2 ...
What percentage of Earth's surface is below sea level? How much water is in the Earth's crust? How much water is under the Earth's crust? The oceans cover approximately what percent of the earth? What approximate percentage of the earth's freshwater is groundwater? What perc...
This in turn, yield an approximate average cooling rate for the surface of 7°C per b. y. Profiles of average surface temperature over geologic time are constructed for high, middle and low latitudes. Respective initial average surface temperatures at these latitudes were 13.6°, 41.6° and ...
2a–c. Blue eyes indicate approximate locations for the photographs of Fig. 3. The base map is from the Quantarctica GIS data package79 for QGIS. Ice velocities80 and ice surface contours81 (every 100 m) are overlain on the Landsat Image of Antarctica (LIMA)82. Full size image...
(1994). The period, given in solar days, is the approximate period of the term as viewed in the terrestrial reference frame. The amplitude (amp) and phase of the prograde and retrograde components of polar motion are defined by eqn [68]. The amplitutde and phase of the prograde and ret...
we calculate the difference in the vegetation index for each image and the result is a difference mask. Then, we are able to use the threshold slider to quickly get an approximate delineation of the vegetation loss due to the 2023 Long Lake Fire in Alberta, CAN. A simple yet powerful capa...
4b). We evaluate the ice-sheet wide CESM SEB by comparing simulated mean surface temperatures (which are directly coupled to the SEB) with observed 10 m deep snow temperatures measured in boreholes at 64 sites, which approximates the long-term annual mean surface temperature (Van den Broeke ...
Harris AW, Drube L (2016) Thermal tomography of asteroid surface structure. Astrophys J 832(2):127 Article Google Scholar Heiken G, Vaniman D, French B (eds) (1991) Lunar sourcebook. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge Google Scholar Hemingway BS, Robie RA, Wilson WH (1973) Specific heats...
HAVING lived for many years both in the southern and northern hemispheres, I have a very strong impression that if means were taken to ascertain, with more or less approximation, the average annual temperature at the earth's surface, by a combination of the daily averages of a sufficient ...
In the conventional habitable zone (HZ) concept, a CO2-H2O greenhouse maintains surface liquid water. Through the water-mediated carbonate-silicate weathering cycle, atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) responds to changes in surface temperature, stab