打开Earth 2050 的首页,映入眼帘的是一个勾勒着轮廓的绿色地球,每一个大陆上都打满了闪烁的点,一些城市、国家等被六边形标注并发出光锥,太空中环绕着一些卫星轨道和在轨道上稳定运行的卫星,云层忽隐忽现。在3Der的眼中,每一个酷炫的元素背后都是满满的技术支撑,今天我们就来“揭秘”一下。 做一个三维场景的工具...
The European Union (EU) has issued an hydrogen roadmap aiming at generating 8.1 EJ (2250 TWh) of hydrogen in 2050, representing roughly a quarter of the EU’s total energy demand53. Achieving this objective would reduce EU annual CO2 emissions by about 560 Mt CO2 in 2050. Instead of usin...
Here, we consider recoverability over 30 yr given the IPCC assessment that global emissions must reach net-zero by 2050 to limit global warming to <1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels7. To create the irrecoverable carbon map, we: (1) Define relevant ecosystems that meet criteria 1, ...
Specifically, Komiyama envisions a three-fold increase in overall energy efficiency and a doubling of renewable energy resources by 2050. "Vision 2050: Roadmap for a Sustainable Earth" is written to address the concerned citizen as well as to inspire an exchange of ideas among experts, policy ...
Map Your Reality Quest Read More... OurEarth Our Future 🛡️ Summit of the Future: Preparing for a Greener World 🌱 Be prepared for change, a new game is loading. Intermittent Fasting Fasting for Health and Sustainability: Benefits for You and the Earth ...
GRIP4基于许多不同的来源(包括OpenStreetMap),在我们的能力范围内,我们已经验证了它们的公共可用性,作为我们研究的一个标准。UNSDI-Transportation数据模型被用于协调各个源数据集。GRIP4是在创作共用许可证(CC-BY 4.0)下提供的,可以免费使用。在此阅读有关方法论ShieldSquare Captcha...
根据这两个曾经重新定义地图意义的开创者的演讲,下一代地图将会是语义式(semantic map)的。这意味着,地图将需要对我们周围的世界做出更复杂、更动态的理解。为什么强调这一点?因为这对自动驾驶和增强现实来说十分重要。自动驾驶真正需要的地图 自动驾驶汽车需要非常精确的地图导航。但是目前我们使用的地图(如谷歌...
Map units are based on NatureServe's Ecological Systems classification and represent the natural plant communities that may have been present during the reference period. Each BPS map unit is matched with a model of vegetation succession, and both serve as key inputs to the LANDSUM landscape ...
Here we present the MODIS Persistent Ice (MODICE) algorithm that leverages the time series of fractional snow and ice cover from the MODIS Snow Covered Area and Grain size (MODSCAG) algorithm. The end product of MODICE is a consistently derived map of annual minimum exposed snow and ice. ...
https://www.iea.org/reports/technology-roadmap-china-wind-energy-development-roadmap-2050 (2014) Google Scholar 7 R. Wiser, E. Lantz, T. Mai, J. Zayas, E. DeMeo, E. Eugeni, J. Lin-Powers, R. Tusing Wind vision: a new era for wind power in the United States Electric. J., 28...