A Long March-4C carrier rocket carrying a new Earth observation satellite blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Oct. 16, 2024. (Photo by Wang Jiangbo/Xinhua)China on Wednesday sent a new Earth observation satellite into space from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch ...
China's first reusable satellite returns to Earth with payloads on Oct 11, 2024. (Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn) China's first reusable satellite returned to Earth on Friday morning and has been recovered at its predetermined landing site in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, according ...
Earth地球是北斗航路公司参与设计的地球卫星地图应用,用于代替谷歌地球和google地球、google earth的国内版本,可满足各行业对地理测绘3d查看地形的需求。 卫星图层和路网导航图: 速度比谷歌地图、google地图、天地图、百度API、百度街景、高德POI、Arcgis、传统奥维互动地图更快; 经纬度: 可输入经纬度快速定位至街景地面...
Lu Qi poses for a photo at an experimental center in Dengkou County of Bayannur, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Oct. 13, 2024. (Photo by Justin Jin/UNEP/Handout via Xinhua) NAIROBI, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) -- Lu Qi, a Chinese scientist, is among the six winners of th...
north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on June 25, 2024.The returner of the Chang'e-6 probe touched down on Earth on Tuesday, bringing back the world's first samples collected from the moon's far side, and marking another remarkable achievement in China's space exploration endeavors....
China launches new SAR satellite group Video 10:41, 17-Dec-2024 MORE FROM CGTN Green is the new gold – how China creates ecological miracles Video 14:16, 06-Mar-2025 China's sci-tech industries continue to upgrade through innovation Video 13:54, 06-Mar-2025 Turkish amba...
地球小姐2024冠军代表们在马尼拉CHILDHAUS 陪伴生病的儿童度过了有意义的一天,与孩子们交流并分享鼓舞人心的时刻。 她们的访问充满了温暖、喜悦和做出积极影响!#地球小姐中国区大赛 ##火热报名进行中 # @我是杨玲Eileen L地球小姐MissEarthChina的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ1 ...
Volume 67, Issue 11, 2024 The Sichuan-Yunnan region is one of the most seismically active regions in China, with several identified seismic gaps. However, the potential for strong earthquakes in these gaps remains a topic of debate. The cover image highlights the major seismic gaps in the reg...
9.中国青藏高原东缘理塘断裂大毛垭坝至理塘段的同震地表破裂及大地震的复发间隔(Co-Seismic Surface Rupture and Recurrence Interval of Large Earthquakes along Damaoyaba-Litang Segment of the Litang Fault on the Eastern Margin of t...
Saturday, April 20th, 2024 2024年4月20日(周六) 10:30am – 15:30pm Venue 活动地点 Golden Street Plaza 黄金城道下沉式广场 Participants 参与对象 HQIS families and friends 校内外家庭 How to participate? 参与方式 Free Entr...