went to the doctor when first started happening, they gave me allergy pills, I called back a few weeks later, said no changes.. so they referred me to a nero specialist. I have all kinds of dizzy and anxiety med. known of these help. I have been doing some searches on here and ...
(Dr. Margo Davey)http:/www.epworthsleepcentre.com.au/index.php/doctor-margot-davey, a Doctor with enough experience to see through the smoke and mirrors of the situation and who gave me the biggest telling off I had in many years. Interestingly she told me that I needed to forget Harry...
Hi doctor, I have been on Nexium for 2 years, and do get vertigo and tinnitus issues regularly. They are not severe, but do cause discomfort. My question is: if I stop my medication, will the symptoms go away or could the nexium have caused permanent damage? Reply Brian Rowlandsays Sep...
A visit to my GP and myriad tests later, I have been cleared of any scary health concern. Except for a chipped tooth and a rather sore cheek, chin, and one finger, I am still in one piece. Probably just a drop in blood-pressure, my doctor guesses. I feel grateful to my Gods for...