Define Price-Earnings. Price-Earnings synonyms, Price-Earnings pronunciation, Price-Earnings translation, English dictionary definition of Price-Earnings. n. The ratio of the market price of a common stock to its earnings per share. American Heritage®
必应词典为您提供earnings-price-ratio的释义,网络释义: 收益价格比率;股价之比例;
Jan BartholdySsrn Electronic JournalEarnings-Price Effects? Only If You Use a Magnifying Glass," working paper, Aarhus School of Business, 2001.Bartholdy, Jan (2001): Earnings-Price Effects? Only If You Use a Magnifying Glass. SSRN; ID271889, 2001....
The meaning of PRICE-EARNINGS RATIO is a measure of the value of a common stock determined as the ratio of its market price to its annual earnings per share and usually expressed as a simple numeral.
The earnings yield (aka earnings-price ratio, E/P ratio) for stocks is the inverse of the price-earnings ratio (P/E) of stocks, equal to the earnings per share of common stock divided by its market price. The E/P ratio increases with earnings and decreases with increases in the stock...
The meaning of PRICE-EARNINGS MULTIPLE is a simple numeral usually used to express a price-earnings ratio.
The FTSEAll-Share'strailingpriceearningsmultipleof7.9iscloseto thelowestlevelssincetherecessionof theearly1990s. 英国富时全类股指数7.9倍的相应市盈率,接近上世纪90年代初期经济衰退以来的最低水平。 3. Valuationsarehigh,theprice-earningsratioin Shanghai isabout25,butthey arewellbelowthe sor...
This article analyzes what determines earnings-price ratios. The earnings-price ratio is believed to capture the market's assessment of the equity' s risk and earnings growth prospects. Prior research, however, has found that neither risk nor growth can explain persisting cross-sectional differences...
price′-earn′ings ra′tio(prīs′ûr′ningz),USA pronunciation Stock Exchange, Businessthe current price of a share of common stock divided by earnings per share over a 12-month period, often used in stock evaluation.Abbr.:p/e Also calledprice′-earn′ings mul′tiple. ...
Todetermine the P/E value, divide the stock price by the EPS. The stock price (P) can be found simply by searching a stock’s ticker on a reputable financial website. Although this concrete value reflects what investors currently pay for the stock, the EPS is related to earnings reported...