Earnings estimates and surprises for Beyond Meat Inc (BYND) are an important tool used to evaluate the company's overall strength and value of the stock.
First of all, knowing the likely timeframe for the next earnings date can be ballparked/projected by looking at when on the calendar that given company has typically announced earnings historically. In turn, the likely earnings dates of the current "market leaders" can have a dramatic effect...
which is generally a precursor to an earnings beat. After all, analysts raising estimates right before earnings - with the most up-to-date information possible - is a pretty good indicator of some favorable trends underneath the surface for NEWR in this report. ...
Previously teased our fourth iteration of our Beyond Burger, so I’ll speak more openly about that particular item now. Though we will not give a release date for our retail channel. I will say that I’m thrilled with the improvements the team has made on the broader Beyond Burger platform...
For one, knowing the likely timeframe for the next earnings date can be ballparked/projected by looking at when on the calendar that company has announced earnings in the past. And in turn, knowing the likely earnings dates of the current "market leaders" can have a dramatic effect on ...
And then second on pea protein isolate purchase commitments, it looks like the purchase commitments for the fourth quarter and the purchase commitments into 2021 are substantially in excess of the amount of — you consumed both in third quarter and year-to-date. And just, I know there is a...
Even with our significant traction to date, we represent an exceedingly small fraction of the $1.4 trillion global meat category today. For example, according to our most recent Nielsen panel data, in the U.S., where household penetration stands at slightly less than 4%, and although our pro...