1.In Black-Scholes type financial markets,the return concept,Earning-at-Chance(EaC),is proposed.本文在Black-Scholes型市场中引入机会收益的概念,并利用文[4]中提出的在险收益的风险概念,建立了机会收益-在险收益(EaC-EaR)动态投资决策模型maxR=E[Xπ(T)|Xπ(T)≥ρ1-β(x,π,T)]s。 2.In Black...
Chris, you said “The rest of my savings i’ve been putting into a taxable account through Vanguard.” Max out a Roth IRA if you’re able to from your taxable funds. This will start your tax-free compounding of interest NOW while preserving your basis (invested amount) for withdrawals at...