Earned Income Tax Credit(EITC),即劳动所得税扣抵制,是美国联邦政府针对低收入和中等收入个人及家庭实施的一项重
earned income tax credit 读音:美英 earned income tax credit基本解释 所得税减免;所得税抵免 分词解释 earned挣得的v. 赚得( earn的过去式和过去分词 ) income收入,进款 tax使负重担 credit信誉,信用
华府—美国国税局在全国范围内的宣传推广低收入家庭福利优惠Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC),来帮助去年收入不超过59,187美元的数以百万的美国人民获取低收入家庭福利优惠(EITC)。 "这是一项极其重要的税务优惠,每年帮助数以百万的辛勤工作者,"美国国税局代理局长Doug O'Donnell表示。"但是每年许多人都会错失这项优...
Regarding the Earned Income Tax Credit system adopted in the United States, I would like to explain its operation. legco.gov.hk 關於美國稱為“ 收入稅務補助(Earned Income Tax Credit)”的制度,我想在此解釋一下其運作情況。 legco.gov.hk The earned income tax credit (EITC– that is, negative...
Some make sense,likeabigexpansion of theEarnedIncomeTaxCredit,whichtopsuptheearningsofpoorworkers. 其中一些比较现实,比如大幅度增加所得税信用(一种返还性税收减免,译注),这将直接提高贫困工人们的收入。 www.ecocn.org 5. Inonecase,theyrestoretheearnedincometaxcreditandthechildtaxcredit,bothofwhichbenefitlow...
earned income credit勤劳所得的税收优惠 lawful earned income【法】 合法收入 相似单词 incomen.[C,U]收入;收益;所得 taxn. 1.[C,U]税,税金(+on/upon) 2.负担,压力(+on/upon) 3.(会社,团体等的)会费 v.[T] 1.向……课税 2.向……收会费 3.使负重担,使受压力 ...
Earned income is payment for work. Taxpayers with earned incomes below certain levels are eligible for a tax credit that may even supplement their wages.
The earned income tax credit (EITC) is a tax break available to low- and moderate-income wage earners.