Earned Income Tax Credit(EITC),即劳动所得税扣抵制,是美国联邦政府针对低收入和中等收入个人及家庭实施的一项重
华府—美国国税局在全国范围内的宣传推广低收入家庭福利优惠Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC),来帮助去年收入不超过59,187美元的数以百万的美国人民获取低收入家庭福利优惠(EITC)。 "这是一项极其重要的税务优惠,每年帮助数以百万的辛勤工作者,"美国国税局代理局长Doug O'Donnell表示。"但是每年许多人都会错失这项优...
To qualify, you must meet specific income limits and filing requirements, and the amount of the credit varies based on your income, filing status, and number of qualifying children. Earned Income Tax Credit: An Overview The EIC and the Child Tax Credit are two of the most beneficial tax cr...
To claim the credit, investment income cannot exceed a limit that is adjusted annually for inflation.Qualifying ChildrenMaximum EICMaximum AGI (Married Filing Jointly) 2025: Investment Income ≤ $11,950 Source: Rev. Proc. 2024-40 0 $649 $19,104 ($26,214) 1 $4,328 $50,434 ($57,554)...
The earned income tax credit (EIC or EITC) is for low- and moderate-income workers. In general, the less you earn, the larger the credit. Families with children often qualify for the largest credits. See qualifications and credit amounts for 2024 and 202
K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 词条 earned income credit 中文 劳务所得税收减免 解释 美国税法对低工薪收入并有家庭子女负担者所给予的个人所得税税额减免。 最新资讯 来胜音频课 来胜直播课 小蒙老师 咨询 可以在此在线咨询课程的内容、价格、售前和售后等相关问题 ◎ 本单元获元照授权关于...
September 2, 2022|4 min read The earned income tax credit (EITC) gives a tax break to workers and families who bring in low to moderate income. It’s a refundable tax credit that helps put money back in people’s pockets—primarily if they earn less than many other Americans—while ince...
lawful earned income 【法】 合法收入 相似单词 income n.[C,U]收入;收益;所得 credit n. 1.[U]赊帐,赊欠 2.[U](经济上的)信誉 3.[U]银行存款(帐面余额) 4.[U]信用,信赖 5.[U]荣誉,赞扬,功劳(+for/to) 6.[C]增光的人(或事物)[ well earned adj. 完全应当的 hard earned a. 辛苦...
What Is the Earned Income Tax Credit? 27 of 31 How To Get the Child Tax Credit 28 of 31 Can You Claim the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit? 29 of 31 The Tax Credit for Other Dependents for Tax Year 2022 30 of 31 Higher Education Expenses That Qualify for Tax Breaks 31...