若要通过在移动设备上使用必应进行搜索来获得积分,请将必应设置为默认搜索引擎、使用必应应用或使用适用于 Android 应用的Microsoft启动器。 或者使用 Microsoft Edge 应用赚取更多积分。 (并非所有移动奖励收益方法都适用于所有区域。) Microsoft Rewards 积分没有任何现金价值。 兑换价值 5 美元的东西通常需要大约 5,000...
It’s easy to rack up Microsoft Rewards points and earn your way toward great rewards like gift cards, movies, games, nonprofit donations, and more. Stay signed in with your Microsoft account and you'll earn points for doing the things you already do. Here are some of t...
Earn points with Microsoft Rewards when you surf the web, play games, and more. Learn how to earn points and some great ways to spend your Microsoft Rewards on products and services.
Learn how to earn Microsoft Rewards points when you browse the web with Microsoft Edge, search on Bing.com, and more.
The new way to earn Microsoft Rewards points could arrive as soon as May 2021. You'll soon have a new way to earn Microsoft Rewards points. Potentially as soon as next month, you'll be able to earn Microsoft Rewards when using Microsoft Search. Once the feature rolls out, you'll be ...
Earn Microsoft Rewards points with Xbox, whether on console or on your devices. Available with your Microsoft account, the free Microsoft Rewards program makes it even easier to earn points for things you already do, like shopping for games and other eligible items in the Microsoft Store, gaming...
Earn Microsoft Rewards points with Xbox, whether on console or on your devices. Available with your Microsoft account, the free Microsoft Rewards programme makes it even easier to earn points for things you already do, such as shopping for games and other eligible items in the Microsoft Store...
AutoMS Rewards This userscript automates daily Microsoft Rewards points by searching random words or sentences on Bing. Features Adds a circular icon on the Bing page, opening a UI to search for random words or sentences. Automatically closes all search tabs after 15 seconds. ...
Once you earn enough points, you can redeem them for free Robux. To sign up for Microsoft Rewards, go to the Microsoft Rewards website and click on the Join now button. You will need a Microsoft account to sign up for the program. #2: Download and use Microsoft Edge Download Edge via...
Of course, Microsoft Rewards doesn't need to be just about you if you don't want it to. You can use your points for charitable causes instead, such as when Microsoft allowed gamers to donate points to the World Health Organization's COVID-19 fund....