The securitisation of values: early years leaders experiences of the implementation of the prevent strategySocial ValuesNational SecurityValues EducationEarly Childhood EducationChild CarePreschool ChildrenPublic PolicyPreventionCase StudiesInterprofessional RelationshipThis contribution examines the implementation of ...
Apolicycan generally be thought of as a statement of intent made by a government body, often with the involvement of non-government individuals and organisations (collectively referred to as policyactors), that describes a problem and broadly outlines how the problem will be addressed (Dovers and...
i.e., using the death probabilities from the SSA 2019 table; see below. Individually, they may have a life expectancy well below the 30-year horizon. The two spouses have a conditional individual life expectancy of only 18.1 and 20.7 years, respectively. However, the last survivor has a li...
Ovalbumin-specific immunoglobulins A and G levels at age 2 years are associated with the occurrence of atopic disorders. Clin. Exp. Allergy 41, 1414–1421 (2011). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Kuitunen, M. et al. Probiotics prevent IgE-associated allergy until age 5 years in cesarean-...
Infants and toddlers with disabilities in the United States and their families are eligible for early intervention services under Part C of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act. The purpose of this study was to assess family outcomes at the end of early intervention (near the child's ...
4.1. Early childhood education policy developments 4.1.1. Ethiopia Over the past decade, the Government of Ethiopia dramatically scaled up ECE opportunities to reach almost 4 million young children. After many years providing guidance and oversight to non-state actors delivering formal and non-formal...
Presently, research is sparse on effective strategies to prevent obesity in preschool children in China. Given the enormity of health and economic consequences of obesity [40, 44], there is an urgent need to explore policy and environmental approaches that can address the challenges in combating ...
"S.B. 8 prevent access to abortion; a preliminary injunction will allow—at least for some subset of affected individuals—abortions to proceed that otherwise would not have." The Week in Cartoons for Oct. 4-8 View All 24 Images The decision comes after Presi...
These categories were ‘below 18 years’, ‘18–24 years’, and ‘25 + years’ for this variable. The usage of contraceptive methods to delay or prevent pregnancy was a question that respondents were asked. Injectables, pills, and emergency contraception were all regarded in this study ...
Advancing Developmental Science on the Impact of Racism in the Early Years Edited byStephanie M. Curenton,Iheoma U. Iruka,Jacqueline Sims,Nneka Ibekwe-Okafor 4th Quarter 2024 Advancing the science to prevent early childhood expulsion Edited byKatherine Zinsser,Alysse Loomis,Iheoma Iruka ...