It locates the perspectives of early years' practitioners within this context, drawing on data from an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)-funded study of eighteen English early years settings, including interviews and focus groups with 165 practitioners in a variety of roles. The findings...
Early YearsPractitionersResearchPassionProfessionalismEarly Years practitioners frequently use words like 'passionate' to describe themselves and their attitudes to working and playing with young children. But how is this emotive and emotional word to be interpreted by others? Given any evidence of real ...
Participants included children aged between 3.7 – 4.7 years of age, as well as Early Year Practitioners (EYPs) and visitors to the setting. The interactions and behaviours of the participants were observed, ensuring that children were not 'objectified' in the process. Vignettes of play episodes...
Department of Education and Skills that reviewed cross-national evidence from 15 countries focusing on the workforces of early childhood education and care services of these nations, including the main occupational models, the levels of training, and the roles and characteristics of the diverse work...
Now its third edition, Planning an Appropriate Curriculum in the Early Years offers a comprehensive guide for early years practitioners and students on how to plan and implement a suitable curriculum for the children in an Early Years setting. It examines the key roles and responsibilities of pract...
For this study, the concept of ‘partnership’ between parents and early years practitioners is used, with the focus towards working together for children’s best interests and finding a common ground for involving parents, while maintaining a clear understanding of issues around roles and power, ...
speech and language therapists and early years practitioners. This integration work also fulfils the NPT process ofenactingwherein the innovation becomes material practice through practitioners’ operationalising the innovation into their own specific context, increasing the potential for it to become norma...
further support practitioners in fulfilling their leadership and management roles in practice. Leadership and Management in the Early Years is an essential text for early years and early childhood studies students as well as practitioners particularly those who are aiming for Early Years Professional ...
74. Music in the Early Years Blog + Follow Blog Musical Help, Ideas and Training for Early Years Practitioners and for those wishing to start their own Under 5s Music Business. Email *** Facebook Followers 24.3KTwitter Followers 924...
It detailed how early years practitioners needed an opportunity to do some “deep level thinking before acting”, providing opportunities to “theorise notions of love” and to “make sense of it pedagogically” in a very different way to the more instinctive love shown by a parent. She adds...