Panzer Insight系列 Battle of Bulge wrecked Tanks 突出部战役双方坦克装甲车辆残骸 Pt1 历史视频 转载 11:56 Panzer Insight系列 Jagdpanther Sd.Kfz. 173 猎豹坦克歼击车 历史视频 转载 04:46 Panzer Insight系列 WW2 Wespe Sd. Kfz. 124 黄蜂自行火炮 历史视频 转载 03:46 Panzer Insight系列 M4A4(75) ...
Direct Link This Post I don't play this game, but I think these are very cool (especially the British set - there's something appealing about those angular looking early British tanks). These look like very accurate models - theFoWfolks have clearly done their research (the Panzers are eve...
It’s a multiplayer WW2 combat simulator that can host up to a hundred players on a few really huge maps. The keyword here is “realistic,” since everything here requires a painstaking attention to details, from developing your attack strategy to coordinating the infantry and shooting a statio...
The next day, 12 September, was also exciting. It was our first day with tanks, Panthers at that. The only tank I had seen close-up before was the Russian T-34 that had provided realism to our basic training. These Panther monsters were huge, their 75-mm guns the size of telephone ...