In order to communicate her sexual readiness, and to arrange an assigna-tion with Scandal without her husband taking notice, Mrs. Foresight uses a seemingly innocuous statement: “I cannot say that he [Mr. Foresight] has once broken / my Rest, since we have been Married” (3.1.674–675)...
If we analyze the specific values in the green cells, the first thing we notice is that the anticipations vary within the interval [18, 21] days, while the R2 is within the interval [0.875, 0.920]. This implies that they all provide very good results and that no method outperforms...
In (Figure 3) we notice a four-fold message by the local Neckermann traveling agency, which is printed on four separate A4-pages and then visibly taped one right next to the other on the shop window. The result is a remarkable mixture of slogans (dream with Neckermann; we are ready ...